

英漢字典: fly out

1. rush out suddenly衝出

    A cry of “Fire” was raised and all the people flew out of the house. 失火的叫喊聲一起,所有的人都衝出室外。

    As I was passing the gate, a dog flew out at me. 當我走過大門口時,一只狗向我衝來。

    The children flew out to see the parade. 孩子們奔出去看遊行隊伍。

2. burst into a passion發怒

    I tried to calm him down when he flew out at me. 他對我大發脾氣時,我設法使他平靜下來。

    Don't fly out into a rage. 不要發脾氣。

3. go out in an aircraft; carry out in an aircraft乘飛機外出;用飛機把…運走

    The commander flew out to join his troops at the front. 指揮官乘飛機到前線部隊去。

    The in jured in the earthquakestricken area were quickly flown out for medical treatment. 地震災區的傷員們被迅速空運出去進行治療。

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